What do you do when you do nothing?

As I am typing this, Monday is almost over. A long weekend with a festival today and I did nothing over the three days. I mean nothing productive. This festival too feels like the one for others to rejoice. 

Saturday was a happy day with two more days in the tow but then the next two days were just lazing around. Sunday’s blog post was scheduled so no work on the blog too. I read a book that was too boring to continue any further and was left midway. 

Life suddenly seems so still – house chores, the food conversations and binge-watching TV. In a loop. Sometimes I get various thoughts on the lines of

  • Taking a vacation to never come back
  • Heading to the Himalayas
  • Driving from Bangalore to Europe on our Amaze
  • Leaving everything to relocate to a new country

 What do you do/think when you do nothing? Have you realized that the mind never rests while physically you may slow down?

Doing nothing on a long weekend
A click in the rain..

Writing for #MicroblogMondays today and tagging the picture I clicked to MundaneMondays #75

36 thoughts on “What do you do when you do nothing?

  1. I can’t usually bear doing nothing, so I’m always either doing or thinking something. But I envy people who can actually lean back, relax and not think or do anything!
    I prefer thinking about some ideas for a blog post. Sometimes, I even ponder about making some serious changes to the blog. Or else I read a book or a magazine.
    So most of my ‘doing nothing’ statements actually mean I’m immersed in literary activity 😀

    Heading to the Himalayas is a nice thought. Have you read ‘Paths of Glory’ by Jeffrey Archer? If not, do read it. If yes, do read it again 😀


    1. Well, I used to think that I’m always busy. In reality, I see that I’m always thinking about some literary activity or a travel plan. So in a way, never free. 🙂
      Will add the book to TBR list 🙂 thanks!


  2. You know how my mind usually functions if I have nothing to do 😀 (my post about madikeri). Some days are such as you had for the past 2-3 days. Tomorrow when work at office will begin, these thoughts will vanish. Of the 4 ideas that you were pondering upon, relocating to a new country will be the most adventurous – it is workable and it has the real power of making the life turn upside down 🙂


  3. It’s a dream to do nothing. I dream of days when I can sleep endlessly without feeling guilty or without thinking of my to-do list. I usually have so many pending tasks that a day when I do nothing leaves me with a restless guilty feel. So I end up liking days when I get stuff done. It’s a bad cycle. That trip to the Himalayas seems good though.


  4. Unfortunately, my mind wanders in the ‘old memories’ cabinet before settling down in the ‘what have you done with your life’ sofa.
    So it is always better for me to keep myself busy and occupied one way or the other 🙂


  5. Oh, yes. I feel like summer is coming to an end (first day back to school tomorrow for teachers) and I welcome a routine…being too busy to think too much on the state of things. This is why I can’t knit…My mind never shuts down unless I am reading a really great book that transports me (and even then if I connect strongly to something it will send me on a tangent). If the book is not engaging to me after 75-100 pages it’s a goner, too. No time for bad books. You have the travel bug, hmmm? All the places you mention sound like amazing adventures. My stepfather took a trek trip to Nepal and hiked the mountains in Anapurna (sp?) and he had LOTS of time to think and reflect amid those giants. I wish you peace going into the week!


  6. I love to do nothing. I took a vacation to do nothing. 🙂 ln my dictionary doing nothing is not having to worry about planning food, doing household chores, worry about with our kids homework. Even on this vacation, l am just lazing around, enjoyed the scenery, trekking, reading, playing games and it is so much fun. 😃


  7. That picture is mesmerizing! I keep staring at it on Instagram – awesome capture!

    Yes, I’ve actually found the more I physically slow down, the noisier my head is. I think my list is very similar, with slight variations (heading to the White Mountains, buying a RV and touring the US).


  8. Nothing is a very scary word for me. As a freelance content writer I love being drowned in my work. It’s hectic but I’m at least assured that at the end of the month, money is in the account. So I am always always working. However, when I do get time I do photography for my blogs which is very relaxing. I also listen to music. I shut my door and pull window curtains and dance, sometimes I do ballroom dance with Sarah. Basically, I make the most of every moment I have. I used to read books earlier, but now I don’t. I already read plenty for research for professional writing, plus I read blogs, so that’s it.


  9. I need days of nothing to turn my brain off. Like we’ll be leaving the beach and I’ll realize that I just calmed down, and now it’s time to go. We’ve been trying to keep weekends light for a while since we have lots of plans coming up. It’s nice to have the down time.


  10. I am planning for Travel when I am doing nothing 😊

    Mind never rests, but that’s where meditation comes into picture! If you really are lost, just pack your bags and go on a week-long trip 😊


  11. This…. This!
    Every single time I sit back intending to relax, the exact list of thoughts enter my thoughts except about the driving to Europe part – I would rather fly 😀 Anyway, relaxing does the exact opposite right? Makes us restless and crave for something that we know is not easy or even impossible at the moment. I crave freedom but the wings stay clipped. Ah! Good luck finding your peaceful relaxation!


  12. Ah! my mind wanders when I have nothing to do. I wish I could be off roaming about on the streets of Delhi, Sigh the weather is too hot.. Maybe it should just snow here… Random thoughts…


  13. If you ever plan to drive from Bangalore to Europe, please call me too. I will leave everything and swim the Indian Ocean if I have to. My doing nothing is lying on the couch and watching reruns of Dr Who and Friends.


  14. Drive for Bangalore to Europe. Wow! Now that would surely be something :). On another note, I guess it’s all about the fact that we end up liking being busy. Say for example, while I may crib saying I want a break just to sleep at home, if I sleep also too much, I will feel like gosh why haven’t I done anything useful today. Always like to read something, learn something, do something whatever. Sitting idle makes me think of the proverb – An idle mind is a devil’s workshop’ :P.


  15. One thing I try to not do, is be upset with myself for things not getting done. Otherwise I’d waste my whole wonderful day of doing nothing berating myself and making myself feel bad. There’s no point.


  16. Rain, reflection, fog, blur, colors, they are great combinations.
    Well when you do nothing, you obviously end up thinking too much. If your state of mind is good, you end up having good thoughts and ideas!


  17. I think I have been in this phase for too long, infact I am not even writing 😀 so now you can understand my height of laziness 😛 I have been reading and reading 😀 and watching lots and lots of movies 😉 except that nothing productive 😛 But I agree your mind doesn’t let you be …it always have something on it’s mind 😉 Like when I read your blogs , I feel good and I get new ideas to write my stuff …but that feeling doesn’t last long 😀


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