Water and Faith

W.A.T.E.R is not just water for a traditional Hinduism following Indian. It is another name for faith. Every other ritual or ceremony has this important element in some form. We even worship our rivers like Ganga and “Sangam“, a point where three scared rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati meet, holds a lot of religious value … More Water and Faith

An Open letter

Dear Fellow Indian, How are you? I am fine and hope this letter of mine finds you in good mental health. I was in my Indiblogger class yesterday, when the teacher Garima asked us to express our opinion on #LiveinOrMarriage. Just so you know, I am married for over 3 years now and I love … More An Open letter

We, the people

Over the last year, I have been pretty regular to blogging and I believe that writing just like reading opens up the mind. Sometimes, even when I am not writing, I am thinking about writing. Writing lets me see things in a different light and I do enjoy this one special thing about penning down … More We, the people


However big her children may grow up, to a mother they will always be kids. Today, her children are way past the mid-twenties and she still advises her son on what not to eat and when not to work. She tells her daughter that Maggi is bad for dinner even if it’s once in six … More Maa..

Writing a B-O-O-K

It’s a BIG thing! When I was thirteen, I wanted to write a book and become the youngest author. Looking back, I realize that have been writing a lot since I can’t remember when. Sometimes it were the school essays, sometimes for debates and sometimes to help out others. But my writing was never organized. I … More Writing a B-O-O-K

Why travel..

When IndiSpire Edition 9 came up with listing 5 places that one would wish to travel this lifetime, I thought my blog already has a page..Stepping Outside, so there is need to tell my readers why I travel. I enjoy seeing different cities and I believe that travelling makes you richer. Travelling is happiness! Strange as it may … More Why travel..