Wait. Let me find another chore.

From where I am sitting and typing, last week there was a pile of washed clothes on my left side of the sofa. I needed to fold and organize all that into our cupboard.

So what was I waiting for?

Another chore so that I didn’t have to just fold the clothes.

Yes, you read that right.

I find it hard to do just one thing at a time and more so when it is a household chore. I watch TV while folding clothes, talk on the phone while cooking or watering my plants, iron clothes while quickly getting the lunch packed.

So, this pile grew from one batch to two, until I found a movie on the weekend to watch.

Do you have a quirk like this? Or is it just me?

Bring me another chore to wrap this one.

Writing for MicroblogMondays #144 and tagging this picture of  a huge pile of clothes to MundaneMondays#111.

28 thoughts on “Wait. Let me find another chore.

  1. I so get what you mean 😉 I don’t mind household chores actually. It’s cooking I find less than desirable. Alas, I cannot multi-task when I cook. I do try and listen to music when I cook so it isn’t such a chore. But everything else I can do with single-pointed focus. Apparently it’s also better for mindfulness when you practice that.


    1. Mindfulness is one thing and I agree the concept. With work, I’m focused cos I need to use the brain. But with hands focusing on clothes, I prefer using eyes and ears for TV 😉 Like I always say, you are organized.


  2. Oh, yes, I have this affliction! It’s “I’d rather be doing anything but this”. I try not to be too hard on myself for it. It’s good to know we’re not the only ones, right? Enjoy your movies!


  3. I find anything related to laundry tedious in the extreme. So yes, I try to pepper any related chore with other things to make them less so.

    Otherwise, I afford chores the attention needed to get them done, eventually. 😉


  4. I have a pile like this next to me. I do the same – watch something and fold the laundry. Cooking, washing dishes, cleaning house, etc I do without mixing with another chore as I tend to lost in thoughts while doing these. You know, after a fight with the husband I like to wash the dishes as I have learned that I do this particular chore much efficiently after a quarrel! 😀


  5. You multi-tasking wonder woman!! Laundry is such a pain. I often don’t have much choice because my maid brings them in and dumps them on my bed. So if I have to sleep I just HAVE to clear it all! I haven’t been watching much TV these days so when I do I don’t want to be distracted with household chores – just with a cup of tea.


  6. Hahaha, you’re too cute 🙂

    As stupid as it sounds, I like household chores. As long as I have them I don’t worry how many of it I have. I make a plan (OCD alert) and go about them happily.


  7. Oh it isn’t just you! I look forward to folding clothed because I always do it while watching a movie. And kitchen work is always with music playing in the background​. Chores become such fun then. 😉


  8. I like to read a magazine while brushing my teeth… that makes sense to me. I feel like folding laundry is that one chore that lingers… that basket that sits there, waiting to be folded until the weekend is my life. 🙂 Although I’m not usually waiting for a movie, I’m just lazy and pretend I don’t see it for a little while. Ha!


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