A Decade of Love..

A decade of love..
A picture for each year..

There are those very few times when you want to write a lot but thoughts do not come easily when you start penning. The feeling of ‘ already shared a lot’ overrides on ‘there is still so much to share’ thought. It’s hard not because there are no thoughts but because sometimes, even written words cannot express it all. 

Today, when a decade is behind us, memories are all over my mind. Those from almost every single year, those little highlights from our life together, those moments of milestones and then those mundane days when there was nothing special yet being together was special. A chance encounter got us together. Sometimes, I wonder what if I hadn’t met him. What if we hadn’t taken that bus ride to Mysore together? And then I think, if I hadn’t, I would not have been as happy as I am today.

Ten years have gone by in the blink of an eye. 

There have many long walks and short trips. We have watched many sunsets and few sunrises together. I point at the Moon and he says, “Hmmm”. We have been to beaches and we have been waiting to see the Himalayas. 

I have shopped and he has saved. While I continue to eye gadgets and bring them home, he keeps figuring out which one serves what function. 

We are different. Between those unique personality traits, there are two individuals who found love in each other. Those two, who saw that laughter and tears can be shared. Who laughed it off when annoyed and controlled anger to avoid any pain. We have travelled together, laughed together and learnt many lessons of life together. We know each other’s strengths and we are still getting to know each other. With time, things in love life settle down and you get comfort in company. There is admiration in the differences. Most of the times, unspoken but it is evident. 

As I look back, I see both of us have changed as individuals for good. We continue to learn from each other and help each other see things in different light. Sometimes, I need a nudge and sometimes he needs to think differently.

We talk of future and we see ourselves travelling and seeing the world. We see writing better blog posts and buying stocks that do good when markets open. We are both lazy bums who love being on our respective couches but no one admits. We both don’t like cooking and both accept. We start our day by discussing who is making the tea and end it by who is getting the milk ready. 

Every relationship needs a bit of nurturing and we nurture ours too. We know there will be bad days at work. We know that sometimes it’s okay to not share and get some space. We know that we have different interests and we respect each other’s work and hobbies. We sometimes divide the chores and sometimes do it together.  

There is nothing like a perfect relationship and ten years have taught me that. I have learnt that people think differently but they don’t love each other for similarities. They love for the similarities of those core values that they individually believe in. 

It feels like yesterday when I got on a bus to Mysore with a friend’s friend. Not very long ago. Exactly a decade today. 

81 thoughts on “A Decade of Love..

  1. What an ‘Awwwww’ post! It was so nice to read about your individual little quirks 🙂

    Lazy bums and non-cooks? Can and I are the exact opposite! Hey, as long as it works out for each other 😀

    God bless you both! Here’s to more years of love, happiness and food.


  2. Beautiful 🙂 It’s tough to give words to your innermost feelings but you have done a great job 🙂 Congratulations for becoming a decade couple 😀


  3. The Mysore bus makes for a beautiful novel story about love and romance. Everything happens for a reason. That’s a beautiful and healthy relationship.

    Happy marriage anniversary.


  4. That chance encounter was pre-destined and an incident such as that one makes one believe in the magic of universe. The feeling of togetherness, love and kindness towards each other even after 10 years is worth being grateful for. I am happy for you.


  5. “People don’t like each other for their similarities” – that’s such a wise thought. While its easy to get attracted to people of similar interests, what prevails is the similarity in inner core beliefs.

    Beautiful post. Congratulations on completing a decade!


  6. Nicely written. An identical “discussion” about who will make tea used to go on for long between us flatmates in the U.S., before someone who wanted it badly would get up and make it..


  7. Congratulations to you both! 😀 The morning ‘who’s making the tea’ discusions are so cute…you’re one lucky woman! Best wishes for your years ahead together <3.


  8. What a heartfelt outpouring of love and care for each other. Beautiful post, Parul! Congratulations, and may you two continue to grow together in love, in each other’s care and company.


  9. Congratulations on your ten year anniversary. What a journey the two of you have been on, and those are very lovely photos of yourself. I’m guessing behind each one lies a special memory 🙂 “those mundane days when there was nothing special yet being together was special” – what a beautiful way to describe your love. Here’s to many more years for the two of you, and I look forward to reading more on this blog about romance. And more, of course 😉


  10. This is a true testament of love. Yours is a cute and inspiring story. Wish you many such years of togetherness and happiness. Stay blessed 🙂


  11. Lovely story…how beautifully captured in words! The essence of love is hard to define yet it colours our lives in a way that few things do…so happy to know you feel contented in being together! Here’s to many more such memories to create along the way. Stay blessed and happy always!!


  12. First of all, apologies that I am reading this now. Second, Congratulations to you both. For me and Sarah too, life has gone by at a lightning pace and we are soon going to celebrate our 5th anniversary in December. I can understand how it feels. I always want me and Sarah to stay young, but with nephews and nieces growing up so quickly and calling us Uncles and Aunts, I’m starting to wonder, am I really growing old? Yes, I have white hair and Sarah does too, but that’s just physical change. From within we both are the same young boy and girl madly in love with each other.


  13. Congratulations! I think out of all the things I have done that is the hardest AND most rewarding is getting married. It’s thirty years for us this year and truly my husband is my best friend in the whole world. Consequently he also drives me crazy. And whenever I think we’ve been married a long time I look at my in-laws who have been married for 62 years!!

    Best of luck for the next ten!


  14. This is beautiful – and what a brilliant idea! I think I might have to start a similar tradition for The Bloke and I when we get married…


  15. This is a beautiful and moving tribute to a relationship that has matured and appears to only be growing stronger. Thanks for sharing. (and next time you get that “I have already shared so much” feeling, remember that we’re grateful you did).


  16. Thats so beautiful and you just keep learning new things even after alot of years together. Much happiness for your continued journey together


  17. Isn’t it funny how “chance” encounters change our lives? I wonder…aren’t most experiences “chance” encounters made meaningful because of our attitude towards them? I hope I’m always open to this kind of magic and it sounds like you are too! The fact that you continue to nurture your relationship is part of that openness I think, that willingness to see beyond the end of your nose and find something special about the moment. Thank you for sharing your love with all of us.


  18. Beautiful, Parul! I know exactly what you meant when you wrote “It’s hard not because there are no thoughts but because sometimes, even written words cannot express it all.”I’ve had several posts this year that were near and dear to my heart and they were the most difficult posts to write – because sometimes words can’t describe feelings in the way that you want them too. But, I thought you did a lovely job. Love shines through throughout your entire post. I’m happy the you and your friend’s friend were on the same bus too! Great post. 🙂


  19. This is so sweet!

    Happy (very late) anniversary Parul. It sounds like you have a solid, deep relationship. I hope you have a similarly lovely time over the next 10 years. 😀


  20. What a wonderful tribute to 10 years together. I have been married for just over 40 years, and it is unthinkable to think of us not being together. We have been through a lot over the said 40 years, but I still ♥ my husband, father and friend to the moon and back.


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