Happy 4th!

Yes, I was watching the sky when a girl crossed the road with a big bunch of colorful balloons. She walked right across and then as she started to sell, I got this shot.

You know what this one tells me?

Hope and happiness.

As Happiness and Food turns 4 today, I am happy about the time gone by and hopeful of the journey that’s ahead of me. I believe that if you can’t find what you love, love will find you. One way or the other, it’s a win-win.

This week, hope is what I want to pass on to you.

Whatever is the situation, think of the worst that could happen and then you will be able to deal with it. Staying hopeful is important because dark clouds don’t remain for long. If you stay positive, you will find colors on a dull day, faith and hope on those monotonous walks of life and love where you expect it the least.

So, get rid of the negative thoughts and remember that this too shall pass.

4th anniversary. Colors of life some in all shapes and sizes.
Happy 4th!

Tagging to Skywatch Friday along with a learning from my week. 

32 thoughts on “Happy 4th!

  1. Wish you a very happy 4th anniversary of Happiness and food! I loved the shot and the encouraging, motivating words you have written, Parul! Just a few minutes ago, I was feeling a bit low down, for nothing exciting has been happening in my life, vis-a-vis my writing/art, and the things I have been hoping for. But, your words lifted my spirits and reminded me to look at the magic in the little things! Thank you so much, dear! God bless you and may you keep writing such inspiring words for years to come!


  2. Such wisdom in such a short post, Parul. Happy 4th to your blog, and many more years of it to come. I’ve really enjoyed reading and following along your stories about India, Indian culture and empowerment. I hope that girl finds her way in the world. As you mentioned, your shot is a symbol of hope – she’s making an effort to make a living; so strong and hope she goes far.

    Usually the worst things that can happen can be dealt with in one way or another. There will always be options, and though we might not be able to control how we feel, we can control how we respond. Best wishes for the year 2017, Parul. Looking forward to stopping by again 🙂


  3. Happy 4th 🙂 Wishing more happiness here and wish the family at this space keeps growing 🙂 Wow! 4 with so many memories and happiness and much more to come. Congratulations Parul and keep blogging 🙂


  4. Coincidentally, I shot quite a few photos of women with balloons that you’ll see very soon, Parul! Happy 4th! Wishing you many more amazing years. Hugs! You are one of the most wonderful writers I know. ♥


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