This day, 13 years ago

The evening tea is brewing and we are our usual selves at home. VT is reading something online and I am trying to shape my thoughts into words. Checking on the tea in between, my mind wanders to this day 13 years ago.

Sundays are quiet in my neighborhood with an occasional honk here and there. The house too is quiet. We are at peace with the things that have occupied our minds. 13 years ago, even the noise around could not stop us from sharing the tidbits from our respective lives.

Weekend chores are done and it feels good that the household is ready for another week. We have stocked up the grocery. The washing machine is running and laundry would be done soon. 13 years ago, my mind was buzzing with the many conversations we have had that day in Mysore.

There is leftover food in the fridge and we will heat the stuff up for dinner. I will have the rice and the cabbage won’t find a place on my plate. 13 years ago, I was wondering if we will eat together again some day.

There is mango for desert. I want to have one by myself and not share. VT insists on sharing and I tell him it’s a fruit so it okay to eat one each. I love the juicy Alphonso and that it’s sweet. 13 years ago, I did not know what fruits he would like and relish.

It has started raining outside. We run and bring the damp laundry in. We stand in the balcony and look around. The TV is not receiving any signal and that’s okay. We turn it off and head to the living room. 13 years ago, I thought rain would play a spoilsport and not let us roam around Bangalore.

The clock is ticking and the day is drawing to a close. As it strikes twelve, we will enter the first day of the 14th year together. There is still a lot to know about each other. We surprise each other at times and we also are predictable. Like the car he wanted to check out and test drive or the mango that I wanted to have. Like he has forgotten about this day and I will still write about it.

Looking over Pangong Lake in 2017.We met 13 years ago this day.
Together in all times..

Writing non-fiction for YeahWrite#424 today.

41 thoughts on “This day, 13 years ago

  1. What a lovely photo to show our loving relationship. This weekend, my husband and I were completely alone for just ONE evening in the 37 years we’ve been married and it was wonderfully peaceful and calm….I can understand how you must have felt ….


  2. What a lovely capture, Parul. Wishing you both a very happy anniversary, and many more decades of love, happiness and togetherness.


  3. Congratulations to you both for your years of togetherness. Hope you have many many more. Loved your older post too. Though I would like to hear the in-between story too :-).


    1. Now and then is a nice technique for this post because important days like anniversaries and (kids’) birthdays bring nostalgia with them. I am not a critique so I can’t go on beyond this.
      One thing I never fail to notice is women going gushing (fishing – my phone’s auto correct corrected) about dates while men never remember them. I can give you an idea. Get hold of his phone one day and secretly add recurring reminders in the phone calendar regarding all the important dates you get gaga over and then never find him forgetting. What a sacrilegious idea, people reading my comment might say.
      Photo, as usual, is badhiya. I have a khurafaati question for your camera, by the way?


  4. This is such a beautiful read, Parul. This is exactly how real love is and long-term relationships are. I felt all warm and cozy while reading this. Good bless both of you!


  5. This was such a heartwarming read, Parul. And, so relatable. Not the quiet moment though. 🙂 To think that almost at the same time we were there at the same place new in love! Happy anniversary to you both once again, Parul. That’s a beautiful photo. 🙂


  6. Congratulations Parul!! Four years of togetherness.
    God blessed you with a best friend, lover, and a partner for the whole life. May you have millions of joys and happiness to share!
    A very happy anniversary to both of you 🙂


  7. I like how you’ve written this and intertwined the past and the present well. You’ve used some of the things from the past to indicate how some things have stayed the same while others have changed. Happy 13 years!


  8. Funny – VT is the abbreviation for the US state of Vermont (where I live.) so it took me a second to realize you were speaking of your husband at first.

    This is such a lovely tribute to the little things. I think all the sweet little things are the glue in a relationship. Happy anniversary!


  9. I enjoyed the swaying back and forth between then and now – the familiarity and how there are still surprises. Congratulations on 13 years.!


  10. Happy anniversary! I love how you were able to project that anticipation and uncertainty through your “13 years ago” sentences while still conveying the sense of comfort you feel today.


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