Gratitude List – May 2019

It’s been seven days that we have closed the doors on May. The month was an interesting one this side. It kept me busy every single day and it did feel like 31 days.

There was newness, joy, work that kept me going and some shocks that kept me surprised. Bangalore with its rains and showers kept me happy. There were traffic snarls but I have made peace with that now.

There was a lot to be grateful for in the month. To start with, we flew back to Bangalore from Lucknow on the first of the month. Luckily, the political rally near Ayodhya did not delay our trip and all went well. Always grateful when stars align and universe listens.

Without any further ado, let’s get going on the top highlights of the month. Like always, there is no order here.

♥ Meeting PS in Lucknow. Friends are the family we choose. Before our flight back to Lucknow and since we were on time, VT and I stopped by at PS’s place to say hello. It was a quick visit but meeting her was good. Every time PS and I meet or talk, I feel I must have done something right to have a friend like her.

♥ VT and I took up swimming lessons this month. On 15 weekdays, we got up in the morning to go for a lesson. It was fun and good to get comfortable with water. I did feel that swimming should be picked up as a kid. As we grow up, our body gets stiff and it’s hard to navigate the learning curve. Some dives into 16 feet water were scary. Mind did take over will on those days. We also made new friends and we are all connected. Grateful to know more good people.

♥ I continued to workout on weekends and it was good. Yoga helped me stretch and keep the body flexible and in control. Proud that I was able to workout 24 days in May. The highest ever and yes, includes the days I was learning to swim.

Books. The Unknown Errors of Our Lives, Educated and Eleanor & Park were the three books I read in May. To know that Educated is a memoir and the real story of Tara Westover was something that I hadn’t known when I picked the book. It’s amazing to see how far people come if they have the will and belief in themselves.

♥ There were a few challenges on the house help front. I got a substitute and she is good. I like when people try to learn and are willing to change. My new help cooks our meal but the responsibility of breakfast fell on me. I am not a big bread and cereal lover so I started making breakfast for us. It has been a good. Like you, I am surprised.

♥ I traveled to Andhra Pradesh this month for two days with RJ. This was a work trip and I am grateful I had her company. I enjoyed our conversations and all the food we had. In sweltering heat, we laughed and joked around many things that kept us light.

♥ With the swimming classes on weekdays, I had to manage reaching work on time to avoid traffic. I must admit that I was under pressure those days but grateful that I was able to sail through. Meeting AM was an advantage and during the last week of the classes, I rode to work with her. Kindness comes in many ways.

♥ The month brought a bad cold and cough. May be it was the changing weather or an infection, but it made me stay back at home on a few days. Working from home is a blessing. I was able to take off when I needed and that was important for health.

♥ I love new bed spreads. So I pulled out a new one that Mum gave last month and what a joy it was. Little things matter.

♥ Have you been to Decathlon? I love that store for its energy and that you can get good quality reasonable clothes. The return policy is guest friendly too. We went for our swimwear and ended up going every weekend for some thing or the other. I got Yoga shorts and they are so comfortable.

♥ I love Mangoes but the chemicals that are used to ripen them is bad. So I tried buying mangoes from Healthy Buddha. I haven’t stopped yet. Every week, I get a supply and VT and I savor till the stock lasts. Last month, I ditched other online stores to buy vegetables and other perishables from HB. If you live in Bangalore, you should try this online store.

♥ I blogged and tried to be regular. I am grateful to my readers for being by my side. On some days, I was able to schedule and no some days, I went impromptu.

♥ VT and I completed 13 years of being in love this month. I did not want to write but ended up writing. Read here if you haven’t yet read the post. Grateful to have a friend as a partner in life.

When life gives you a cold, drink a warm soup and sleep. May was full of possibilities and hope. It was also a month I tried new things. I know June will bring heavy workload. June will be full of clouds and showers. It would be a month the temperatures will dip but the greenery around will warm our hearts.

Did I tell you I want to buy a macro lens? If I do that, know that more and more pictures will be up on Instagram. Tell me about your May. What was that one thing of the month gone by that made you smile?

Linking up with Vidya’s Gratitude Circle for May 2019.

Gratitude List - May 2019
Gratitude List – May 2019

34 thoughts on “Gratitude List – May 2019

  1. Wow its such a pleasure to read your post parul; i am glad you learnt swimming, one of my favourite sport… I learnt in my 20’s and then never went to the pool. My son’s death and an opportunity at the campus brought me back to swimming and I was swimming regularly for two full years all the months and participated in district level aqua competitions and the best part is I taught my daughter for two summers full month every day and she picked up fast, now both of us enjoy swimming whenever we find a pool. I am so inspired by your commitment to read, travel and post… something that I want to imbibe from you, your pictures here are beautiful and thanks for sharing:)


    1. Angela – you are so kind! Thank you. How I wish I could say I have learnt swimming. Still on the journey. We have taken up weekend classes now so that we can continue to learn. At 35+, it is not easy since our bodies are stiff and sometimes we also deal with minds that says no. But we will get there. Thanks for this inspiring comment. I will let you know how it is going.

      Start with a small commitment, Angela. Like posting once a week, reading 5 pages a day etc. Smaller goals get us the habit we need and then scaling up is not hard. My two cents. Thanks again for motivating and encouraging. Hugs.


  2. I loved reading your list this month! Swimming is great isn’t it? I’m not an amazing swimmer but I do love the water especially in summer. Some day I might decide to swim in the ocean in winter 😀 I’m glad there were so many things to be grateful for. Decathalon opened here a few years ago but I don’t think I’ve been yet. Friends have mentioned it’s good


    1. Thank you, Sanch! I am sure you will swim just perfect in ocean too. You should try Decathlon. In India, they are priced so competitively that the Adidas and Nikes of the world have taken a beating.


  3. That’s a great list Parul. I learned to swim when I was 28 but haven’t swum for a long long time so don’t know if I can swm again. And I love mangoes too. I haven’t had a good alphanso mango for years. Have one for me!


  4. Such a cute post! So you ❤

    I love Decathlon! L used to work for them earlier and we love walking around the store. I love new bedspreads too! Kudos to you for taking up swimming. I'm still in two mins about it, I feel I'm too old for it now 😦

    Love you for all that you are and all that you can be. Always! Wishing you a fabulous June as well. Let us meet this month.


  5. It’s so good that you began taking swimming lessons, Parul. I have been wanting to, but haven’t been able to implement on it yet. Wonder if I will learn swimming in this life!
    As you said, it’s the little things that matter a lot, and go a long way in making each day special! 🙂


  6. Congratulations on your swimming lessons. I agree one needs to learn it as a child. Though I did learn to swim as an adult. however I still cant dive. Super scared. Your month seems to be ” fruitful”. I love mangoes too, and buy them from a farm produce. Love the seasons bountiful.


  7. So many things packed in one month. You sure have been busy. Loved reading your swimming updates. Hopefully you will get to do some scuba diving soon. I love the feel of fresh bedsheets too. Glad your workplace is flexible to allow to wfh when you need.
    Have another funfilled June 😊


  8. As a mother-son duo, we loved Decathalon too. It used to be our favourite window shopping place. We did not have anything to buy since we are not sporty but still. Sounds strange! The one thing I never fail to admire about you is your ability to pack in so much into your month and you never cease to try new stuff. May wasn’t an exception. It played to your norm. May your June bring as much cause for gratitude as May did.


  9. I love how you’ve penned this post and the highlighted bits are so wisely chosen. It seems like you had a wonderful month. I love how much you get done in the month. I’ve given up on swimming and am content to dip my feet in water and remain at the shallow end. You reading list sounds great. Eleanor and Park was a sweet one.
    I still have to get to my gratitude post or else I’ll have to club two months together!


    1. Thank you Tulika for such kind words. Most things have become routine so don’t feel as much.
      Don’t give up on swimming. It’s good for us.
      I am waiting to read yours. Is it up? #nopressure 😉


  10. Whoa thats one action packed month Parul; Yay on the workouts!! I love swimming too but the thought of dirty pool water makes me hesitate to go for it. Gearing myself up mentally to try it this year atleast.

    I have been hearing a lot of good stuff about Educated- maybe I will pick it up soon seeing you have enjoyed it too.

    Here’s wishing you a joyful June ahead Parul!!


    1. Thanks Shalini. I know what you mean about the pool. Some things need to be ignored :/
      It’s a good book. I am sure you will like it. Let me know when you read it.


  11. Dear Parul,

    I like how organised, crisp, hopeful and too the point your Gratitude post is.
    I always marvel at how you juggle between blogging and work. I started work 6 months back and have been unable to keep up with a regular blogging schedule, expect for #WW.
    I’m hope to get more organised starting the next 6 months of this year. Cross my fings and toes!

    Love Decathalon too- have picked up my cycling, work out gear and so many other stuff from there. And the thing is that everything there is so reasonable and durable.
    Swimming sounds delicious. I was a big fan of swimming, but I realise over the years that fascination has petered off mildly. I managed to get to the pool only one day so far, this summer. Hopefully more often in the days to come.
    Gifts from Mom’s are the best. I still hold them close to my heart. New bedsheets, new cushion covers always spell so much joy, I must say.

    I’m also on the look out for chemical free options for mangoes. The ones we get here don’t justify the taste at all.
    I’m glad you work out schedule has been on point, I also recently joined Sivananda yoga and have been pretty much enjoying it. I have been regular with my walks too, though this week there has been a bit of derailment, with the scorching heat.

    God bless VT and you loads. You both make such a lovely couple. Happiness and bliss always.
    May June and July be blessed and joyous, as the rest of the months that will follow.

    Lovely to read your post, always. ❤


    1. Natasha, thank you so much. Your comments warm my heart. All your wishes mean a lot.
      I understand that blogging and work is hard but I keep trying. Juggling between photo posts and then ones that I want to write. I manage 1-2 posts a week. I would love to go to three like before but not so easy.
      I like Shivanada yoga too. The vinyasa style I feel is good cardio too.

      Thanks for stopping by and always encouraging.


  12. Looks like your may had more days than thr rest of us, it’s incredible you packed in so much. With work and blogging , I am glad you were so regular with your exercise.

    May was my worst ever month in terms of exercise, summer vacation and kids at home spoils the schedi. However this week I enrolled in swimming classes. I find it fun though it’s awkward to see tiny tots racing past you with such confidence. And I agree it’s a sport one shoukd learn un childhood.

    Happy anniversary to you and I loved the blue bed spread.


  13. I had a smile on my face reading this. So glad you took up swimming and keeping up with your fitness goals! I love swimming, when I’m home during summers, swimming and mangoes top my list too! 🙂


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