25 things I loved over the last six months

Six months into 2019 and I know you are thinking where did time fly? But it did not. Time went by on its own pace. The good days went by fast and the not-so-good ones, slow. It’s all relative but the pace was the same.

Not just that, some things did not change at all. Like the traffic in Bangalore, the scorching heat up North, the unending forwards on Whatsapp, the extraordinary happy life of my Facebook friends, the always awesome pictures on Instagram and my weight.

How about I tell you 25 good things that happened during the last six months? Things that made me smile and love life the way it is. So here is my happy list. I will keep it short and quick and if you are reading this post till the end, in the comment section tell me one happy thing from your life. Works?

  1. Choosing jaggery over processed sugar.
  2. Cooking more than whole of last year.
  3. Learning to swim.
  4. Jumping from 22 feet into 16 feet deep water when I’m still learning to swim.
  5. Getting promoted.
  6. Buying more organic food.
  7. Choosing courage over comfort.
  8. Realizing that people care and help – you need to be able to see that.
  9. Going to work and being the queen of my life.
  10. Choosing health over taste.
  11. Watching Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and Pushpavalli on Amazon Prime.
  12. Believing that God listens.
  13. Floating in water.
  14. Grabbing two paid blogging assignments. ( I don’t work for free)
  15. Being my most active self ever – I switch between 7 forms of workout. I am counting yoga as one here but you know how many types it has got in itself.
  16. Savoring local food and cuisine – paddus, ghee roast chicken, ragi malt and pongal.
  17. Writing 40 posts till date, not counting this one.
  18. Blogging for the last 6 years.
  19. Exploring Lucknow after 18 years.
  20. Relishing mangoes this summer.
  21. Shopping vegetables at a farmers’ market.
  22. Reading six books.
  23. Celebrating Papa’s 41 years of successful teaching career as a family.
  24. 48 years of my parents-in-laws’ wedding. I have promised them a large event on their 50th.
  25. 13 years of falling in love with VT.

If you are a regular, you know I had once complied a 99 things I love list. Those milestone moments that bring happiness happen once or twice a year. But small moments of happiness and joy surround us every day. I choose to celebrate happy things every day. This blog exists for that single reason. Don’t fret over trivial issues and laugh all along. There is no point taking life so seriously. No one is coming out alive anyways.

25 things I loved from the last six months of 2019
There is nothing that a good cup of tea can’t fix.

I received this tag from Corinne and I am passing this on to Holly.

24 bloggers have got together to celebrate six months of 2019 from June 17-19. In their own unique ways, they will share what the last six months mean to them. In these 24 posts, you will find a lot of joy and hope. Not to forget, some humor and stories too. So don’t forget to read these all and share some love.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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57 thoughts on “25 things I loved over the last six months

    1. Lovely! One of the nicest things about these 6 months is getting to know you a little better, Parul.
      You both have been real troopers through the trying times and bounced back to be an inspiration. Hugs and may the next 6 months be nothing but kind.


  1. I have visited your blog for first time and I am in love with your positive attitude. I am glad I joined this blog hop. I got to knw more about you. One good thing that happened to me was my blog being in the Top Indian blogs directory for third time while I least expected that this time around. Another good thing that happened was that I joined in this blog hop at the time when I am going through some personal challenges and this hop gave me the will to get back to writing.


    1. Welcome to happiness and food, Aesha! I’m glad this blog hop gave you a chance to come over to my home. Nice to meet you! I have been blogging for 6 years now and I too got the top Indian blog recognition this year for the third time in a row. 🙂

      Good that this bloghop is getting you a opportunity to make things better.


  2. Loved reading your list of 25 things that made you happy, Parul. Reviewing the six months which went by is a great way to refocus and make good use of the rest of the year. Glad to be a part of this. 🙂


  3. your happy list made me smile. How wonderful it is to find things that make you happy because we all tend to remember only the miserable things. What made me really happy this year was reconnecting with different members of my family – those whom we don’t normally meet. It was over various occasions, some formal, some casual and some just spontaneous. But the common thread that bound them all was a sense of contentment that all of us are feeling as we are getting older. No more sibling rivalry or competition and that made me truly happy.


  4. What a lovely list, Parul! Loved the positive changes that you have made in your life. Your words here echo a happy and contended feeling. Wishing that the next 6 months are satisfying and enriching for you in every possible way too. Cheers!


  5. Parul, I am glad you watched Pushpavalli. I had watched it a year back and instatnly fallen in love with Sumukhi Suresh. This is one of the most honest and original series that I have watched in recent times. Congrats on the swimming lessons. I am yet to learn. I have not been blogging or reading blogs since long and it is refreshing to get back to blogging with this beautiful and positive post of yours. More power to your pen.


    1. Thanks Balaka! I did not know Pushpavalli was an old show. I have watched flat mates where Sumukhi Suresh is the House help. That series is a notch above. Have you seen it?


  6. How courageous you are! I’m cheering for you especially over #3, #4, and #7! That’s a big deal, especially for adults, and it’s an important (and FUN!) skill to have. Now you can come snorkeling with me, one of these days! 😀

    VT – I’m guessing that’s not Vermont? 🙂 And congratulations to your parents-in-law. My husband and I will celebrate our 35th anniversary this Friday. (Personally, for our 50th, I think I’d prefer a nice family reunion or trip for two, somewhere wonderful that we’ve not been to, yet. But then I’m an introvert, so would always choose travel or small gatherings with loved ones over “big events.” I cry if people throw surprise parties or take me to restaurants on my birthday where the staff come out singing and making a to-do!)


    1. Thanks Holly! No, VT is not Vermont 😉 I also don’t prefer big parties but something with close friends would be my way to celebrate.
      I have snorkeled once before but with a tube so it worked even when I did not know swimming. Learning is fun but as adult it gets hard too.


  7. What a lovely list of things that made you happy! It’s all in the small things, isn’t it? One thing that made me happy this year was being invited to a panel discussion on blogging, and facing an audience despite my fear of public speaking.


  8. I am your great fan and so you are mine .
    When you asked people to write good things happed in their life during last 6 months , other way you are changing their prospective of life to see in a optimistic way .
    Gernally ppl always see all negative things .
    Sometimes I also .
    My short list –
    Removed trouble generating things from life
    Enjoyed with immediate family after long time and found VT also talks a lot
    Changed my way of thinking also in some cases
    Did little bit exercise .
    God is great — is true but He listens when He thinks to listen .
    When I will be 65 yrs old , I will learn to swim
    Love your post and God bless u .


  9. So many lovely things. Blogging for 6 years, now that’s an achievement along with learning to swim. I would love to experience the joy of shopping at a farmers market too


  10. So many lovely things have happened in the last few months. But by far the best was my decision to join a theatre group to learn to act. I have always been a drama queen; now it’s time to put that skill to use by honing it, don’t you think?


  11. Your list gave me such a positive vibe, Parul. I was struggling to write my post because I couldn’t come up with anything. But when i started off i realized it’s all about the little things in life. Hope you have a fantastic 2019.


  12. Parul, may your list of things you love increase to a hundred and more in the following months of 2019. What I loved over the last six months was I started writing. Corinne always believed I can write and she included me in the tribe. I can’t thank her enough for her encouragement. It is through her that I’m meeting some beautiful people like you. I just read some of your posts and I love the one on the road trip to Arunachal, Assam and Meghalaya. Amazing places and amazing pictures indeed!


  13. Awesome list! I have to learn swimming and it’s on my wishlist for long. One thing iam happy about is enjoying family vacations more than last year.


  14. This list is very impressive, Parul. Keep adding to this list and by the end of the year you will have many more things you loved to write about, and feel fabulous! 🙂


  15. The first thing I liked about this post was the very first sentence for the reason that you didn’t settle upon where did the first 6 months fly away. You knew where it went and how it went 🙂 Now second, it is your take on the forever awesome lives and photographs of your Facebook and Instagram friends. Don’t they really make the online world beautiful! They are doing a major service to the mankind by presenting the beauty of their lives, always. You know what I mean.
    Coming to the list of 25 and my happy gist of it – Tairte raho. Tairte raho. Tairte raho. (Refer to point 15) 😀 😀


  16. Wow! I’m really glad that you have so many things to feel happy about. If you look hard enough, every moment in life is filled with joy and grace. For my part, the one thing that made me really happy is that, when I went public about my decision to become a full-time author, my loved ones surprised me by reacting with pride and joy. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.


  17. Such a short, sweet, positive and a kaleidoscopic round up of the six months gone by, Parul. I can see that you are the one who loves life and know how to enjoy it. I also have a lesson here – joy is always in small things!
    Many congratulations to you for learning swimming. I had goosebumps when I read about diving from 22feet. Bravo!
    What did I enjoy the best in past 6 months? WEll the top most on the list is summer vacation with my kids around. Now that one kid is about to fly out of nest, I wanted to make the most of it and we did it, very well in the confines of our own house!


  18. I envy how much you squeeze into your days Parul. Swimming sounds fab and that dive even when you weren’t a pro swimmer – that’s brave. That last one was just Awwwww.


  19. You dived from 22 feet… You are brave. I love your swimming updates. 7 workouts! You sure are on a roll this year. Congratulations on your promotion. You are scoring sixes from all fronts. I wish the rest of the year adds up more. This is such a feel good post. Loved it.


  20. Your post has been an inspiration for me, Parul! So many wonderful achievements that you must be proud of! I am so glad you’ve been recording these moments to share with us later. I think its a wonderful thing that makes you feel grateful later for the blessings that we tend to overlook very often. May the rest of 2019 bring you more occasions to feel happy and proud for and may it bring you ore joy and peace to your soul.

    One thing that made me happy this year? Cooking for the family and cooking often. 🙂


  21. Hi Parul,
    Love reading your blog and thanks for sharing your positive experiences with us. These are very Inspiring.
    I wish that the coming year is a glorious one that rewards all your future endeavors with success.
    Keep positing!!


  22. Hi Parul,both of our blogs speak the same language. I too believe in celebrating little nothings daily and be thankful. Wish you loads of success in the coming years.


  23. Thank you for always inspiring. I always marvel at how you balance and hold everything together with so much wisdom and light in your heart.

    May the remaining 6 months be about breaking barriers and living it up. Happiness, peace and good health always!


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