#ThursdayTreeLove – 17

“We branch out in many directions…But our roots remain the same.”


#ThursdayTreeLove - 17
#ThursdayTreeLove – 17

This year to give back to society, we visited a government school in Bangalore. Children who study in this school either don’t have parents or have abusive parents. As I sat and played with these children, I realized that all that they need is love, care, and attention. Something that a child gets from a healthy home and around loving parents. One day these kids will grow and make their own lives. Yet, in their hearts, they will know where they came from, what led them to this school and how their lives shaped.

Thursday Tree love is a photo feature on this blog. If you would like to play along, post a picture of a tree on your blog and link back to this post.

If you don’t see the pingback, please leave a link to your post in my comments section. Next week, I will link your posts on my blog and spread some love. Let’s come together to appreciate the beautiful nature around us. 

Before you go, don’t forget to check the lovely trees that were shared last week on #ThursdayTreeLove – 16:

  1. Alana’s Willow Tree
  2. Angela’s gratitude and tree love
  3. Balaka’s capture from Goa
  4. The park full of trees where Esha takes a walk
  5. Martha’s shot of the reflection of this beautiful tree
  6. Baby just sway, says Arti
  7. Ramya’s Crooked Tree
  8. Shilpa’s surthrive
  9. Sunita’s goodbye to summers

34 thoughts on “#ThursdayTreeLove – 17

  1. What a lovely thought, Parul and how wonderful that you decided to do something for these children. When they have positive experiences in life, they grow up into healthy happy people who appreciate where they come from. Here’s my post for this week: https://blogsbyesha.wordpress.com/2017/07/13/thursdaytreelove-12/.

    My last week’s post which you perhaps missed out is also here: https://blogsbyesha.wordpress.com/2017/07/06/thursdaytreelove-11/


    1. We went as a team from work and I had a very reflective time with those kids. I need to write about that experience. Thank you for joining Esha and sorry for missing out last week.


  2. That’s also beautiful old tree – roots spreading deep and wide. It was really nice of you to spend some time with these children. Hope some more people can do the same…and these little acts of kindness ripple out into their lives.


  3. Such a wonderful capture and what a heartwarming story. Hope these kids branch out far and wide and remember their roots. Funny how many of us take simple yet such important pleasures of lives for granted sometimes. Thanks for this reminder Parul.


  4. I loved the capture, Parul. It reminded me of a poem in Malayalam. It must have been a humbling and inspiring experience to spend the day with kids. 🙂


  5. That is a beautiful photo of a tree. The Government school really has a beautiful tree where children can hangout so nice to see it (: . These days, in Bangalore, trees are not bothered for and treasured. Those kids, I hope they get good future when they grow up…nice of you to go spend time with these kids who don’t have a home and loving parents to grow and care for them.


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