#ThursdayTreeLove – 30

I believe if you keep your faith, you keep your trust, you keep the right attitude, if you’re grateful, you’ll see God open up new doors.

                                                                                                                                     – Joel Osteen

#ThursdayTreeLove – 30
#ThursdayTreeLove – 30

I spotted this tree in Ajmer and after a quick visit to Ajmer Sharif. Sometimes, signs speak more than words.

Thursday Tree love is a photo feature on this blog and is hosted on 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. The next edition will be live on January 11, 2018. If you would like to play along, post a picture of a tree on your blog and link it back to this post.

If you don’t see the pingback, please leave a link to your post in my comments section. I will link your posts on my blog in the next edition and spread some love. Let’s come together to appreciate the beautiful nature around us. 

Before you go, don’t forget to check the lovely trees shared on #ThursdayTreeLove – 29

  1. Ramya’s old and strong tree
  2. Esha’s tree from Sri Lanka
  3. Archana’s mysterious tree
  4. Balaka’s solitary tree and that green wall
  5. Angela’s tree – the green and happy one
  6. Alana’s tree, a symbol of strength
  7. Stephanie’s celebrations of light

42 thoughts on “#ThursdayTreeLove – 30

  1. This could only happen in India where trees can sometimes be physically a part of a place of worship or even a house, as I found out a few days back, in a neighbouring locality. I admire how this tree has been growing even amid the chaos, totally unperturbed, or so we think! Who can tell what the tree is thinking? I so love your tree captures, Parul, esp from your travels.


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